Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Am I Eating?

A lot of people are very conscious about were their food comes from. Some people even get a little paranoid about what they are eating. But me, I don’t really care, as long as it tastes good and it won’t kill me as I’m eating it. Before I watched “The Meatrix” I did not know that animals were kept inside tiny areas where they are raised to be slaughtered. But, the companies that do this would not be allowed to sell the meat if it was unhealthy. Therefore, where the meat comes from doesn’t really bother me. I do not plan to start eating organic food because of "The Meatrix" because it is more expensive and I have heard that it does not taste the same as the regular products. I am not about to start eating more expensive food that does not taste as good because some people think it might be healthier for you.

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