Sunday, October 9, 2011

Emerson Needs a Friend

Ralph Waldo Emerson

 I’m looking for a friend who I can…
            Share my thoughts with
            Write poems with
            Go to plays with

Religious views: I believe that all things are in some way connected to God, making everything divine in its own way. I used to be a minister but people thought my religious views were getting away from the traditional Christian views so I decided to leave that job and do something that was more fitting for my beliefs. I think that slavery in this country should be abolished because it violates human laws and if we do not get rid of it then we are getting rid of freedom.

I want my friend to be someone that I can always be honest with no matter what the circumstance may be. If I can not be truly honest with a friend at all times then they are not a friend at all. I should not have to carefully think about what I am saying to a friend in fear that they might disapprove of it. Instead, I should hope that a friend would let me know if they disapprove of a thought because if they tell me otherwise that is just as bad as dishonesty. If a friend is ever hurt by something I should say, I hope that that they would not dwell on it but rather tell me that they were hurt and forgive me for whatever it was that hurt them. I would also hope that this friend would expect the same things in return from me. It can not be a true friendship if only one person attains these qualities.

I have always said “a friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.” Friendship is one of the most important aspects of our lives, without life would be nearly impossible. Without it, there would be no one to be honest with, no one to trust, and no one to share our thoughts with. We should all be thankful for our friends because they are a gift from God. A friend is someone who listens to you, understands you, loves you, and embraces you even when you can’t do the same for yourself. Friends have no limit on age, beauty, or the circumstance in which you met, as long as they will always be there for you they are a friend. They will always tell you when they think that something you are doing is wrong, and praise you when you are doing something right. Friendship is one of life’s simple joys. Knowing that someone will be there to talk to you if you need it or maybe to just listen to you when you need to talk somehow makes life easier to live.   

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